The Perfectness and th Defect - picture

Exhibition view The Perfectness and th Defect at G.A.S-station

The Perfectness and th Defect.
Exhibition: October 12th 2013 until February 1st 2014

The sixth international, interdisciplinary and topic centered exhibition of G.A.S-station.

40 positiones out of science, art and literature.

Joachim Bauer - Science | Manuela Beyer-Bunk - Bookproject | Edition Splitter, Batya Horn – Literature | Matthias Fitz - Installation | Ulrich und Johannes Frey - Science | Kathrin Gerlof and Julia Nowak – Literature/Photography | Michaela Göltl - Photography | Ulrich Gorsboth - Text | Viktor Gröger - Science | Maria Hanl – Object | Katja Keya Richter, Helge-Björn Meyer - Performance | Peter Helmke - Digitalprint | Institut Nid-de-Poule (Ursula Achternkamp, Verena Hahn, Katrin Schlitt) – Performance | Oliver Jacobi - Object | Harald Köhneke - Object | Markus Krug - Object | Marek Kucharski - Installation | Tilman Küntzel - Video | Albert Markert - Installation | Klara Meinhardt - Object | Edward Naujok - Objects | Wolfgang Neipl - Video | Oliver Orthuber - Installation | Stefan bc Ottermanns - Collage | Armando Pelliccioni - Painting | Herbert Pietschmann - Science | Stephan Puchegger - Science | Max Renneisen - Painting | Sandra Riche - Object installation | Stefan Riebel - Object | ro-lex (Alex Lebus and Robert Brandes) - Photography | Yvette Sánchez - Science | Steven Scott - Video installation | James A. Shapiro - Science | Herbert Christian Stöger - Video animation | Team K.U.SCH. - concept documentation | Burchard Vossmann - Object | Gisela Weimann - Work in progress.

The striving for perfection is generally viewed in a positive light. Yet what is perfectness? Is it the attainment of complete congruence between the mental concept of an ideal and its actual implementation? In the discipline of mathematics, perfectness is attainable – e.g. in the requirement of conformity between a set and its derivative. Yet can there also be “perfectness” in any other sense? Which ideal conceptions are concealed behind different kinds of perfectionsim? Does the urge for perfection – and for the avoidance of mistakes associated with it – also have an effect on society and the human psyche that needs to be critically examined?

The mind is unswerving in its search for mistakes: in texts, recited language, images, actions etc. Mistakes attract attention and at the same time fascinate, so that an erroneous expression can force its way to the fore, attracting more attention than the actual meaning and content. On the other hand, a small perturbation, or an apparently insignificant defect can determine the development of a whole system, or even cause its collapse. Yet is there also an illustrative or creative potential in defects?

Kindly supported by:
Österreichisches Kulturforum Berlin
Herbert Christian Stöger

Herbert Christian Stöger

S-FEHLER, out of a foto sample from Josef Seidel, 2013

Video-animation, 9 min
Manuela Beyer-Bunk

Manuela Beyer-Bunk

Die PERFEKTION in der KUNST. Durch TECHNIK. I + II. 95 Thesen. Ein Laborversuch. 2013

Book, digitalprint in limited edition of 100
Marek Kucharski

Marek Kucharski

Trades (We Will Never Again Be Together So Young), 2013

led lights, black high gloss floor tiles (30 X 60 cm), lightbox (3 x 4 cm)
Team K.U.SCH.

Team K.U.SCH.

Der, die, das Glücksfehler, 2013

Conceptional installation, mixed media, clover behind glass, Fotodocumentation 30 x 42 cm
Klara Meinhardt

Klara Meinhardt

Beton, 2012/13

Object, concrete, coat, 60 x 70 x 20 cm
Gisela Weimann

Gisela Weimann

Evas aktuelles Angebot: Geklonte Äpfel, aus der Werkgruppe "Vom Baum der Erkenntnis".

Poll, work in progress, sence 1999
See also Weblogsite
Markus Krug

Markus Krug

LAKUMA-055, 2013

Acrylic on paper, 40 x 30 x 4 cm
Burchard Vossmann

Burchard Vossmann

Used Out #1, 2012

176 carton out of cardboard box matches on carton, acrylic, 56 x 57,3 x 1,5 cm
Oliver Jacobi

Oliver Jacobi

ohne Titel, 1999

Installation, mixed media, ab. 12.500 peas, tabel, 93 x 80 x 80 cm
Armando Pelliccioni

Armando Pelliccioni

Esplosione IV, enamel on canvas,
100 x 100 cm
Peter Helmke

Peter Helmke

Tod der Erdbeerblätter, 2011/12

RealScan, strawberry leafes, scanner, light and movements, 60 x 80 cm
Oliver Orthuber

Oliver Orthuber

Der Fehler schleicht sich in den Tempel der Perfektion ein, 2013

Object, mxed media, wood, plastic, moss, dowel, linoleum, metal, acrylic, oil, gouache,
50 x 50 cm (detail)
Tilman Küntzel

Tilman Küntzel

Up to the Stars – terrestrische Invasion, 2011

Experimental music video, 34:50 min
Wolfgang Neipl

Wolfgang Neipl

Fancy Error, 2013

Installation, iPod, headphones, video, HD, 1080i, 16:9, 7:30 min
Matthias Fitz

Matthias Fitz

electromagnetic plot, 2008

Soundvideoinstallation/Collage, loop,
4:58 min
Steven Scott

Steven Scott

Electric City: A Modulated Image #2, 2011

Video, 2 min loop
Sandra Riche

Sandra Riche

Es wurde ihm oft übel, wenn er Seinesgleichen anschaute, 2004

Object installation, metalrasp, latex
Harald Köhneke

Harald Köhneke

Das ist perfekt, hat aber noch gefehlt. heimatleiter, 2004/12/13

Object, wood 340 x 45 x 10 cm
Edward Naujok Edward Naujok

Ohne Kommentar, 2013

High-grade steel, porcelain,
27 x 22 x 5 cm
Edward Naujok Edward Naujok

Krumme Norm, 2013

Wood, silver, stone, 26 x 16 x 13 cm
Stefan bc Ottermanns

Stefan bc Ottermanns

Royal Air Force Harrier GR7 ZD464, 2013

Foto with documentationbox,
45 x 27 x 20 cm
Stefan Riebel

Stefan Riebel

Dead Pixel (#01),

Device: Hyundai / Imagequest, Model: B71A, Serial Number: B71ASAB962K 10578, 27 x 34 cm
Instiut Nid-de-Poule Institut Nid-de-Poule
(Dr. Kat, Dr. Vau, Dr. Pfusch)

Out of the workshop of pothole science

Installation, mixed media, tabel (metal, wood), plaster, monitor, video, bubble. mobile Testing equipment - hand driven, foto.
ab. 150 x 45 x 60 cm
Kathrin Gerlof und Julia Nowak

Kathrin Gerlof und Julia Nowak

Im Perfekt, 2011/13
Portrait von Jörg Bechtold,

10 Fotos and text, on capa, each
42 x 30 cm
Albert Markert

Albert Markert

zu schön um war zu sein zu war um schön zu sein, 2013

Wallpaper, mixed media, 20 text-foto-collagen, each 20 x 30 cm
ro-lex (Alex Lebus und Robert Brandes)

ro-lex (Alex Lebus und Robert Brandes)

Alienus II, 2011

Foto collage, inkjetprint, SK-Foly on capa, laminated, alu-profile,
120 x 90 x 5 cm
ro-lex (Alex Lebus und Robert Brandes)

Alienus II, 2011

Foto collage, inkjet print, SK-Foly on capa, laminated, alu-profile,
120 x 90 x 5 cm
Maria Hanl

Maria Hanl

optimize me – thank you, 2013

Pleated skirt, pleated, serigraphy on textile, ca. 2 x 2 m
Michaela Göltl

Michaela Göltl

corseted, 2011

6 color fotos, lambda-print,
each 10 x 10 cm
Max Renneisen

Max Renneisen

Nudist Pageant (Three Graces), 2012

Oil on canvas, 200 x 150 cm

Ulrich Gorsboth
Einschnitt und Ausdruck - oder: Gedanken über das Merkmal der "Text"-Unterbrechung am Beispiel von Lacans Sitzungsmodell und anhand von Beispielen der Literatur und Kunst, 2013


Herbert Pietschmann
Weltbild der Naturwissenschaft, 1983

Scientific Text

Stephan Puchegger
Der Fehler als Stärke der Naturwissenschaften, 2013

Scientific Text

Viktor Gröger
Wie Abweichung von der Perfektion Neues möglich macht – Gitterfehler im Festkörper, 2013

Scientific Text
Edition Splitter, Batya Horn Edition Splitter, Batya Horn

Handicap Schicksal und Chance [Eine Anthologie], 2011

Titelfoto: Frank Hegemann
Anna Elisa Heine Thomas Born Yvette Sánchez

Der bessere Fehler – als Programm oder Faktum Beitrag aus dem Buch "Fehler im System. Irrtum, Defizit und Katastrophe als Faktoren kultureller Produktivität", 2008
Thibaud James A. ShapiroEvolution

A view from the 21st Century",
FT Press Science, New Jersey 2011
Klara Meinhardt James A. Shapiro
Four Articels

The significances of bacterial colony patterns,1995c
Bioessays 17,597-607

Thinking about bacterial populations as multicelluar organisms, 1998
Ann. Rev. Micobiol. 52, 81-104

Bacteria are small but not stupid: cognitation, natural genetic engeneering and socio-bacteriology. 2007
Stud. Hist. Phil. Biol. Sci. 38 (2007)

Letting E. coli teach me about genome engeneering, 2009
Rosa Stephan Puchegger

Der Fehler als Stärke der Naturwissenschaften, 2013

Embacher G.A.S-station Viktor Gröger

Wie Abweichung von der Perfektion Neues möglich macht – GITTERFEHLER im FESTKÖRPER, 2013

Pietschmann G.A.S-station Herbert Pietschmann

Eris und Eirene: Anleitung zum Umgang mit Widersprüchen und Konflikten, 2002

Frey G.A.S-station Ulrich Frey und Johannes Frey

Fallstricke – Die häufigsten Denkfehler in Alltag und Wissenschaft, 2009


Illustration: Elisa Asenbaum
Futher more scientific contribution as book from: Joachim Bauer

Das kooperative Gen: Evolution als kreativer Prozess, 2010

Information to the scientific contributions (part. in english) to download as pdf

Katja Keya Richter, Heige-Björn Meyer

Hegel's Ästhetik. Eine Denkbewegung


James A. Shapiro

Evolution - A view from the 21st Century",

Videolecture, ca. 1.30 h
Thibaud Institut Nid-de-Poule
(Ursula Achternkamp, Verena Hahn, Katrin Schlitt)

Vernissage 11th October 2013, 7 - 10 p.m.
8.00 Performance, Katja Keya Richter, Heige-Björn Meyer
Hegel's Ästhetik. Eine Denkbewegung
12th October 2013
4.00 - 5.00 KinderKulturMonats Berlin,special guided tour followed by a workshop to the exhibition for children. Age 4 to 12 years.
5.00 - 6.00 Guided tour to the exhibition with Elisa Asenbaum
26th October 2013
2.00 - 6.00 KinderKulturMonats Berlin,special guided tour followed by a workshop to the exhibition for children. Age 4 to 12 years. Age 4 to 12 years.
23rd November 2013
3.00 - 5.00 Guided tour to the exhibition with Elisa Asenbaum
14th December 2013
3.00 - 4.30 Guided tour to the exhibition with Elisa Asenbaum
.00 - 6.30 Videolecture, Revisiting Evolution in the 21st Century from James A. Shapiro. ab 1,5 h in englisch on big screen
31st January 2014
5.00 - 7.00 Videolecture, Revisiting Evolution in the 21st Century from James A. Shapiro. ab 1,5 h in englisch on big screen
1st February 2014, 2 - 11 p.m.
2.00 - 3.30 Guided tour to the exhibition with Elisa Asenbaum
.00 - 5.00 Performance, Ab wann ist ein Schlagloch, ein gutes Schlagloch - Nid-de-Poule. (Dr. Kat, Dr. Vau und Dr. Pfusch)
6.00 - 6.45
Gisela Weimann „Früchte vom Baum der Erkenntnis“
Reading with pictures from all discussions contributions since 1999 to the project Vom Baum der Erkenntnis - Evas aktuelles Angebot: Geklonte Äpfel
7.15 - 8.00
Lecture, Yvette Sánchez
Mängel und Makel als Gestaltungsprinzip
8.30 - 9.00
Reading, Lebendiges Ersatzteillager, Herbert Christian Stöger
at 9.00 Finissage with Ina and Nina on the digital turntables
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you may find now on the new Publications page


Newspaper for "Hochkultur, Mittelmaß und Schund"
aviable at G.A.S-station. © 2014