Augustina träumt - steps und process documentations at OpenProcessDay
5. May - 22. June 2015
G.A.S-station, Ausstellungsansicht

Augustina träumt - based on a literary text out of the writing project AUGUSTINAselbst from Elisa Asenbaum builds an interconnection between the art of picture, media und speech and also music and science. The exhibition project is since 2014 in progress. On 25th April 2015 the whole concept to the exhibition was presented for the first time during the OpenProcessDay.

Steps und process documentations of Reinhard Gagel, Isabella Gresser, Stephan Gross, Anna-Maria Kursawe, Susanne Hampe, Kornelia Hoffmann, Ulli Klepalski, Pantea Lachin, Calla Mar, Albert Markert, Wolfgang Neipl, Oliver Orthuber, Anja Sonnenburg, Christiane Spatt, Burchard Vossmann.

G.A.S-station, Ausstellungsansicht G.A.S-station, Ausstellungsansicht
G.A.S-station, Ausstellungsansicht G.A.S-station, Ausstellungsansicht
Augustina träumt - in progressius
Positiones out of art and science
Exhibition: 9th October 2015 - 5th February 2016
27 positions out of art and science

For more information plaese go to german page on this website.

All catalogues and broshures
you may find now on the new Publications page © 2015